Bioethics [Test] Welcome to test: Bioethics (2021) The test consists of 30 questions. You are given 30 minutes to solve. Questions are given in random order and are not repeated. At the end of testing, you have the number of correct answers. Name Group Email Record book № The purpose of genetic engineering is:Creating a physically and mentally ideal personCreating organisms with new beneficial propertiesDiagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseasesThe creation of new medicinesIntervention in human natureThe physician should inform the patient about the form of medical intervention in all cases except when:The patient does not have a medical education, allowing to understand the complexity of the diseaseThe patient’s non-consent may lead to a deterioration in his healthThis decision is determined by financial profitIn all the listed casesThe patient is either minor, or mentally retarded, or the disease “blocks” the mindThe “Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine” (1997), when using the achievements of biology and medicine, undertakes to protect and guarantee everything except:Respect for the integrity of the personRespect for human rights and fundamental freedomsProviding economic benefits and material interestRespect for the dignity of manProtecting the individuality of every human beingGenetic screening and positive eugenics are:Evil for manGood for manPermissible in practiceIt is unacceptable because it can lead to severe moral conflicts and violation of individual rightsIs euthanasia (artificial death approximation at the request of the patient) allowed by health care legislation?NotYesA physician who recommended urography to his competent 68-year-old male patient is trying to decide whether to report the unlikely risk (1 in 10,000) of a fatal reaction. Being convinced that his decision should be determined by what other doctors usually do in similar circumstances, he is guided by:The standard of professional practiceThe principle of respect for autonomyThe principle of weak paternalismThe principle of “do good” and the principle of «do no harm»The fundamental basis of the medical profession is:ArtEconomicCognitive (epistemological)MoralWhat is Bioethics?The science of medical practice using the achievements of the STPThe science of the legal, ethical and social implications of scientific and technological progress (STP)The system of norms and principles of conducting clinical researchThe system of legal legislation that regulates the activities of a doctor in the context of the STPThe science of the features of the development of medicine in the period of STPAt what age can a child give independent informed consent to participate in an experiment?Depends on the level of development of the childSince 14 years oldSince 15 years oldSince 16 years oldThe concept of «medical deontology» includes:Ideas about the conditions of optimal activity of medical workersDoctrine of responsibility (due) in the activities of medical workersFor the medical ethics of Paracelsus, the basic principle is:The principle of autonomy of the individualDo not bear false witnessDo not steal“Knowledge is power”Do goodIn which document does the WMA make recommendations for neurotransplantation?«Declaration on the transplantation of human organs.»“Lisbon Declaration on the Rights of the Patient”.«Statement on embryonic tissue transplantation».«Resolution on the behavior of doctors in the implementation of the transplantation of human organs.»“Statement on trade in living organs”A guaranteed criterion for the irreversibility of the persistent vegetative state of people under the age of 50 years, according to the statement of the WMA is:6 months unconscious12 months unconscious3 years unconscious1 month unconscious3 months unconsciousOne of the following forms of professional ethical consciousness cannot be attributed to the historical and logical models of biomedical ethics:Paracelsus ModelHippocratic modelBioethicsFascist medicineDeontological modelWhich of the following principles is basic in the “Hippocratic” model of medical ethics?Do no harmRespect the patientFulfill your dutiesHelp the patientObserve the rights of the patientWhat are the relationships between the norms and principles of medical ethics and deontology?Relationships of doctor and patient’s relativesAll named aboveRelationships of health workers and societyRelationships of doctor and patientRelationships in the medical teamPalliative care includes:Analgesic therapies, not addressing the cause of the disease, but seeking to soften or eliminate the sensation of painArtificial lung ventilationTreatment of ulcersExtracorporeal dialysis with an artificial kidneyThe involvement of a doctor in torture and corporal punishment of prisoners and the use of their knowledge for this purpose may be justified by:interests of developing sciencepunishment for crimesit’s forbidden in any conditionscommunity interests in obtaining necessary informationThe basic rules of bioethics are all the following, except:TruthfulnessJusticeConfidentialityReliabilityInformed consentCan a doctor refuse to work with a patient, if it does not threaten the life of the latter and those around him according to the Russian legislation?Can’t, because it is not provided by lawCan, if the patient is intoxicatedCan’t, because the doctor should help the patient in any caseCan, if the patient does not follow the prescriptions and the internal regulations of the medical institutionCan, if the patient is rude to the doctorThe unjustified euthanasia from a medical point of view is determined by:Violation of the doctor’s mission to save and preserve human lifeViolation of the moral commandment «Thou shalt not kill»With all the factors listedChance for recovery and the ability to change the patient’s decisionBlocking the moral incentive to develop and improve medical knowledge and medical tools to combat deathThe term “ethics” is proposed by:N.I. PirogovConfuciusParacelsusAristotleHippocratesThe criteria determining the beginning of human life are:Formation of the respiratory system of the fetusThe formation of the nervous tissue of the fetusFirst heartbeatThe moral status of a human embryo included in the system of moral relationships between peopleThe features of attitudes towards bioethics in Orthodox moral anthropology include all the following features, except:Commercial interests of the scientific and intellectual eliteUnderstanding God as the source of human striving for perfectionThe principle of synergy (the possibility of working together with man and God in the transformation of life)The principle of «holiness of life.»The massive introduction of contraception is not intended to:Preservation of traditional views on marriage and familyConfronting religious moral valuesImplementation of various government orders and international projects to maintain a certain number of population in different regions of the worldApproval of the human right to plan the size of your familyN.I.Pirogov believed that:Doctors’ mistakes say about the incompetence of the doctorA good doctor is one who never makes a mistakeDoctor has the “right” to make a mistakeMedical error is inevitable in the practice of the doctorOnly young doctors make mistakesRespect for the private life of a person from the doctor’s side implies:Transfer of information about the nature of the patient’s disease to their employersKeeping secrets about the person’s healthInforming about the state of health of the patient to members of their family upon request.Observance of their right to voteBrain death is defined as:Irreversible cessation of all functions of the whole brain, including the brainstemIrreversible cessation of blood circulation and respirationIrreversible loss of ability to social interactionExtensive and irreversible damage to the cerebral hemispheresThe most complete essence and content of bioethics reflect the definition:Bioethics — the moral and ethical attitude to all living things on earthBioethics — a set of principles and methods of human relationshipsBioethics — medicine in the context of moral norms and human rightsMedical secrets include information about:The diagnosis of the diseaseThe fact of seeking medical attentionAll of the aboveContent of the willThank you! 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