Psychology and Pedagogics [Test] Welcome to test: Psychology and Pedagogics The test consists of 30 questions. You are given 30 minutes to solve. Questions are given in random order and are not repeated. At the end of testing, you have the number of correct answers. Name Group Email Record book № Communication and activities are based on the creative collaboration of teacher and student at _____ communication styleanarchisticdemocraticliberalauthoritarianAnatomical and physiological apparatus for receiving effects of certain stimuli from the external and internal environment and converting them into sensations, is represented by:analyzerreflexconductor regionreceptorWhat distance is called «personal»?from 120 cm to 400 cmfrom 45 cm to 120 cmfrom 400 cm to 7.5 mfrom 0 cm to 45 cmMinimum discrepancy between stimuli, causing a difference in sensations, is:differential thresholdabsolute lower threshold of sensationsabsolute upper thresholdspatial thresholdWho considered the hierarchy of needs in the form of «the triangle of needs » or «pyramid» of needs?UshakovAtkinsMaslowArgyleMemory properties include:volumespeedstabilityaccuracyAt what level of the psyche the patient forms a view about his disease, knowledge about its causes and possible consequences?motivationalintellectuallevel of sensationsaffectiveThe two-way process of learning and active reproduction by the individual of social experience of the society to which he belongs — is:adaptationupbringingresocializationsocializationThe interaction of teachers with parents puts into practice the principle of …collective teaching and upbringingrespect for the child’s personalitytaking into account the age peculiarities of a pupilrequirements congruity of families and schoolsThe type of memory, based on the generalized and systematic associations that reflect the most important and essential aspects and relationships of objects:semanticshort-termiconicoperationalThe method of examination, which results in determining the presence and level of development of certain mental qualitieshistory takingsurveymethod of persuasionmethod of testsThe method of teaching, the primary purpose of which is to develop the skills and abilities of using and application of attained knowledge, is calledverbalreproductiveproblematicvisualWhat type of temperament is characterized by slowness, laziness, patience and composure?melancholicsanguinecholericphlegmaticThe quality of education depends on …teachers’ level of educationthe quality of teaching activitiesstudent’s performancestateThe highest form of mental reflection, peculiar only to human-beings, integrating all the other forms of reflection is called:willreflexemotionsconsciousnessWhat is the characteristic of a person from his socially significant differences from other people, peculiarity of psyche and of individual personality, its uniqueness?individualitybehaviorcharacterpersonalityThe main method of psychological research isinterviewexperimentquestioningphysical historyModern psychology is among the sciences, occupying an intermediate position betweenphilosophical, natural and social sciencesmathematical sciencesphilosophical, mathematical, chemical scienceschemical, biological, historicalThe sign-symbolic function of the consciousness is formed in:primary school ageearly childhoodinfancypre-school ageThe system of signs, which is a way of human communication, mental activity, the transfer of accumulated cultural and historical experience, by a way of expressing self-consciousness is:languagesymbolsspeechgesturesThe socio-historical process of transferring social and historical experience to new generations, carried out by all the social institutions, is called …upbringingteachingdevelopmentformationWhat is the type of personal reaction, in which patients are suspicious, distrustful, prejudiced to treatment, do not attach importance to doctor’s instructions?destructivenegativepanicatypicalStyle of pedagogical dialogue in which the teacher alone defines the goals of interaction and subjectively assesses the performance of the student, is called …ignoringdemocraticpermissiveauthoritarianWhat is understood as a rule, the regulator of developing relations in the group, allows to apply sanctions to unacceptable forms of behavior?conformismgroup pressuregroup normsocial statusIt is connected with speech mental process of reality reflection, shaping the new knowledge through reflection and transformation of realityanalysisthinkingattentioncreativityThe structure of personality includes:dynamic characteristics of mental activity of the individualstability of the individual in stressful situationsanatomical and physiological characteristics of the personthe attitude of the individual to himself«Psychology» from Greek means:the science about human relations,the science about a manthe science about sciences.the science about the SoulWhat is not the condition for the occurrence of involuntary attention:human’s fatigueunexpected stimulushuman’s interestnovelty of the stimulusPedagogical category is:motivesexperienceabilityteachingWhat is motivation?an unconscious human activity to meet the needsit is purposeful human interaction with the environmentis the incitement to commit a behavioral act, generated by the system of human needs, which is realized with varying degreesit is the set of human activity factors that determine its orientationThank you! 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