Bioethics (2021) Welcome to test: Bioethics (2021) The test consists of 30 questions. You are given 30 minutes to solve. Questions are given in random order and are not repeated. At the end of testing, you have the number of correct answers. Name Group Email Record book № What duties of a doctor in relation to a patient are not stipulated by the International Code of Medical Ethics:Remember your duty to save human lifeContact more competent colleagues in case of professional difficultiesRespect the patientAlways provide emergency assistance to anyone in needKeep medical confidentiality even after the death of the patientThe features of attitudes towards bioethics in Orthodox moral anthropology include all the following features, except:Commercial interests of the scientific and intellectual eliteUnderstanding God as the source of human striving for perfectionThe principle of synergy (the possibility of working together with man and God in the transformation of life)The principle of "holiness of life."Respect for the private life of a person from the side of a physician implies:Transfer of information about the nature of the patient's disease to their employersObservance of a person’s right to voteKeeping secrets about a person’s healthInforming about the state of health of the patient to members of their family upon requestWhich of the following definitions is more consistent with the concept of "bioethics"?Advances in biomedical technologySocial, legal and ethical implications of using advances in biomedical technologyHippocrates’ look at the doctor-patient relationships better described asPaternalisticExperiencing the predominant influence of the principle of "do no harm"Determined by the principles of justiceRespecting patient autonomyThe fundamental basis of the medical profession is:EconomicMoralCognitive (epistemological)ArtThe massive introduction of contraception is not intended to:Implementation of various government orders and international projects to maintain a certain number of population in different regions of the worldPreservation of traditional views on marriage and familyConfronting religious moral valuesApproval of the human right to plan the size of your familyThe treatment with corpses has ethical significance because:The corpse has intrinsic valueAn autopsy can help to establish the truth, detect change, provide information, promote justicePathological anatomy needs the preparation of drugs excision of individual parts of the body for demonstrationThis is necessary for student learningRemoval of organs and tissues from a dead donor is carried out in the Russian Federationin accordance with the moral and religious values of societyif a person expressed consent to it during his lifefreely in the interests of science and societyonly if there is written permission from the deadif a person didn’t give consent to it during his lifeHuman cloning on a global scale:Forbidden in all countries for all timesTemporary moratorium is imposedThe question is being studiedAllowed in some countriesWhat is Bioethics?The science of medical practice using the achievements of the STPThe system of legal legislation that regulates the activities of a doctor in the context of the STPThe science of the legal, ethical and social implications of scientific and technological progress (STP)The system of norms and principles of conducting clinical researchThe science of the features of the development of medicine in the period of STPIn Russia, artificial termination of pregnancy only at the request of the woman is carried out on the term:Up to 28 weeksUp to 22 weeksUp to 10 weeksUp to 16 weeksUp to 12 weeksThe concept of "medical deontology" includes:Doctrine of responsibility (due) in the activities of medical workersIdeas about the conditions of optimal activity of medical workersIs euthanasia (artificial death approximation at the request of the patient) allowed by health care legislation?NotYesThe most complete essence and content of bioethics reflect the definition:Bioethics - a set of principles and methods of human relationshipsBioethics - the moral and ethical attitude to all living things on earthBioethics - medicine in the context of moral norms and human rightsMedical secrets include information about:The diagnosis of the diseaseThe fact of seeking medical attentionAll of the aboveContent of the willGenetic screening of the embryo and fetus with appropriate intervention to eliminate defects in the genetic material:Does not have the features of eugenicsHave the traits of negative eugenicsHave the traits of positive eugenicsHave the features of eugenicsThe non-directive nature of medical and genetic care includes everything except:Informing about the probabilistic nature of genetic counseling dataObjective presentation of information“Competent influence” on the decision and choice of patientsReliance on the principle of "do good"In which document of the World Medical Association are the basic rights of patients proclaimed?Convention on the Protection of Patients' RightsDeclaration on the Protection of the Rights of Patients in EuropeStatement on the protection of the rights of patientsLisbon Declaration of the Rights of the PatientHelsinki DeclarationMorality is:Attitudes and customs of people classed by culture according to the criterion of "good-evil"Set of scientific factsStrict adherence to laws and the constitutionPhilosophical teachingsFrom the point of view of Muslim medical ethics, in the transplantation of the organs of a dead person, it is necessary to have information that the deadleft permission for organ harvestingleft no decision on this issuedid not object to organ harvesting of his bodyobjected to organ harvesting of his bodyAttitude to euthanasia of Russia according to the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of public health”:Only active euthanasia is prohibitedBoth types of euthanasia are permittedOnly passive euthanasia is prohibitedActive euthanasia is prohibited, and passive is permitted only with the written consent of the patientBoth passive and active euthanasia are prohibitedGenetic screening and positive eugenics are:Permissible in practiceGood for manEvil for manIt is unacceptable because it can lead to severe moral conflicts and violation of individual rightsThe term “ethics” is proposed by:N.I. PirogovConfuciusParacelsusHippocratesAristotleWhat basis can intervention in the sphere of human health be carried out on?Based on medical indicationsBased on free, informed consent of the patientBased on financial profitThe formation of modern medical criteria for the death of a person is due to:The need for transplant medicineRespect for the honor and dignity of the personThe development of medical technologyMoral and ideological understanding of the essence of manIntervention in the human genome can be carried out for all listed purposes, except:Diagnostic purposesChanges in the genome of the germ cellsTherapeutic purposesProphylactic purposesGenetic predictive testing is performed:To create a perfect society with the help of artificial selectionTo create a favorable social environment for people with enhanced intellectual abilitiesFor medical research purposes onlyFor medical and moral preparation and increased care for the future child and to clarify the clinical diagnosisOnly for medicinal purposesIn order to carry out an artificial selection of the populationRespect for the private life of a person from the doctor’s side implies:Observance of their right to voteKeeping secrets about the person’s healthInforming about the state of health of the patient to members of their family upon request.Transfer of information about the nature of the patient's disease to their employersA guaranteed criterion for the irreversibility of the persistent vegetative state of people under the age of 50 years, according to the statement of the WMA is:1 month unconscious6 months unconscious3 years unconscious12 months unconscious3 months unconsciousThank you! 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